Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

Internet Nowadays

Nowadays, the internet is more and more used all over the world and it will undoubtedly go on developing, that is why most firms now use it. There can not be denying that the web has made easier the relations between firms and between the firms and their clients; as a consequence, most companies have got a website. However, there are firms that have got one but they do not take advantage of it: they just want to do like the others.

Lots of firms use the net as a real tool today. The internet enables them to present their products and their latest models: by looking at a company’s website, people can see what it sells. Moreover, the web offers the firms another way of advertisement. Indeed, they can advertise on the internet.

The internet has taken the place of the fax, and sometimes of the phone and letters. Electronic mail is much faster, it is instantaneous. Moreover, it enables companies to send much information to people who ask it, because it does not cost anything.

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